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gepubliceerd op maandag 2 juli 2012

Eurosurveillance rapporteert twee gevallen van difterie (keel- en huiddifterie) bij een koppel toeristen dat terugkeerde van een reis naar

In March 2012 a 68-year-old woman was diagnosed with laryngeal diphtheria in a hospital in Västra Götaland Region, Sweden. Six days before symptom onset she had returned from a trip to western Africa where she had travelled accompanied by her husband. During the investigation, the 76-year-old husband was diagnosed with cutaneous diphtheria. Both patients were incompletely vaccinated against diphtheria.
Lindhusen-Lindhé E, Dotevall L, Berglund M. Imported laryngeal and cutaneous diphtheria in tourists returning from western Africa to Sweden, March 2012. Euro Surveill. 2012;17(23):pii=20189.

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