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Hépatite A

publié le lundi 29 avril 2013

Eurosurveillance publie deux articles relatifs à l’hépatite A.

  • Le premier fait part d’une augmentation, dans plusieurs pays européens, des cas rapportés d’hépatite A chez des touristes revenant d’Egypte.
    Since November 2012, there has been an increase in reported cases of hepatitis A in tourists returning from Egypt in several European countries. As of 24 April, 80 HAV cases in travellers with symptom onset after 1 November 2012 visiting different areas in Egypt have been reported. Four cases from Norway, six cases from the Netherlands and five cases from England share an identical hepatitis A viral RNA sequence. This increase in cases suggests that vaccination recommendations for travellers to hepatitis A endemic countries should be reinforced.

    Plus d’informations : MacDonald E, Steens A, Stene-Johansen K et al. Increase in hepatitis A in tourists from Denmark, England, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden returning from Egypt, November 2012 to March 2013. Euro Surveill. 2013 ;18(17):pii=20468.
  • Le second relate une épidémie liée à l’ingestion de petits fruits congelés.
    A food-borne outbreak of hepatitis A in Denmark was notified to other countries on 1 March 2013. A case–control study identified frozen berries eaten in smoothies as potential vehicle. In the following weeks, Finland, Norway and Sweden also identified an increased number of hepatitis A patients without travel history. Most cases reported having eaten frozen berries at the time of exposure. By 17 April, 71 cases were notified in the four countries. No specific type of berry, brand or origin of berries has yet been identified.

    Plus d’informations : Gillesberg Lassen S, Soborg B, Midgley SE, et al. Ongoing multi-strain food-borne hepatitis A outbreak with frozen berries as suspected vehicle : four Nordic countries affected, october 2012 to april 2013. Euro Surveill. 2013 ;18(17):pii=20467.

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